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Perrins Gunmakers
Roger Glover
Percussion 14 Bore shotgun
Roger Glover UK
Roger Glover has recently bought this gun to add to his collection with a view to restoring it to its former glory. Before embarking on the project he is going to soak the gun in penetrating oil and remove the barrel pugs to inspect the condition of the bore to see if it is in a suitable condition to return to being fired. If it isn't then he will concentrate on restoring its appearance as the locks function perfectly. Hopefully it will be able to be restored to full working order and the old girl will be able to talk once again and spit fire!
See Rogers other guns at.....

The restoration has started!

Previous owner
Nicholas Mather, UK
This gun belonged to Nicholas's Great Grandfather. I suspect that he may have inherited it or bought it second hand, as new it would have been another generation or even two earlier. It has Perrins & Son on both sides of the action, so it is post 1855, which is confirmed by the proof marks.
There is no address on the rib and unusually it is just stamped 'Makers Worcester' with no name or specific address, so it is impossible to date more precisely.
The gun has been squirreled away for many, many years so it is difficult to see the detail through the years of accumulated 'patina'. The locks work well. It is a 14 bore, not uncommon for a muzzle loader and the barrels have the familiar ERP stamp of Edward Robinson Perrins.

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