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Perrins Gunmakers
Thomas (Tod) Dawson - USA
Hammerless 16 bore sidelock

Serial Number - 3494 Another very rare and high quality hammerless side lock has come to light - but this time it is a 16 bore and is in the USA. It would have been proofed between 1875 – 1887 and has the address Perrins & Son 59 Broad St Worcester, which puts it between 1879 and 1887. It is only 5 numbers on from Steve Hopkins gun which has very similar engraving although his is a 12 bore. This gun is a No.2 of a pair - wouldn't it be great if No.1 were to turn up?
28” Barrels
14&1/2 LOP including very nice extension
Straight Grip
Open Right Barrel
Between Modified and ImpCyl Left Barrel
Sidelock Non Ejector
Double Trigger

Tod has shot game in both England and Wales in the past and has also cought the odd fish.

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