Perrins Gunmakers
Jim Galloway - United Kingdom
20 bore percussion

This gun was previously owned by Tim Owen who did considerable restoration work on it. He completely disassembled the gun and rebuilt it. Th see the restoration work go to 'Tim Owens page. As far as I know this is the only Perrins gun which has come to light in Northern Ireland. Thomas Perrins started the business in Worcester but was there for only a very short time before setting up his gun shop in Windsor. This gun almost certainly dates from 1831 before John Perrins senior took over the business. Unfortunately there is some deep pitting to the outside of the left hand barrel so it would probably be unwise to fire it. I would guess it has been left lay down on that side on a damp surface for may years, neglected and unloved. That has now changed. Jim took the gun to his local clay club ..........
‘The Ballycranmore & Kircubbin CPC’ to get his photograph taken, where it was much admired.