Perrins Gunmakers
Vaughan Wiltshire - Percussion
Vaughan Wiltshire
A Percussion back-action lock double barrelled muzzle loading 12 bore , with the rib inscribed Perrins & Son Makers, St Swithins Street Worcester.
This is a “best gun” made in Worcester around 1853 -1855 . The 30” Damascus twist barrels are attractively browned, with German nickel silver bands at the breech and side safety plugs. The barrels are proof marked for Birmingham 1813- 1855 and stamped “Alexander” also on the underside of the barrels appear the initials “ERP” almost certainly for “Edward Robinson Perrins” who was the son of John Perrins Senior. The stock is walnut with “Tiger Striping” with an engraved butt plate. The engraving on both locks and the scroll trigger guard of dogs and birds are of good quality. The brass tipped ramrod slides into a German nickel silver receiver and there is an attractive cap box on the underside of the stock, also made of German nickel silver. Overall length 46 , barrel length 30”, LOP 14.5 “ weight 7lbs 5 ozs. Not choked The gun is In excellent condition and working order and occasionally shot.