Perrins Gunmakers
Ross Cowell
12 Bore Breech Hammer Gun

Ross writes....
Hello from North Vancouver, British Columbia, Canada! I have just received, from decades of hiding, deep in my father-in-laws shop, an interesting Perrins & Son Worcester (marked only on the top rib), bar lock NE hammer gun, Damascus barrels, proofs put it 1875-1887 (13B 14M, not for ball), nice wood, very nice acanthus engraving. Cleaning the surface rust and dust off it. Pulled the locks off yesterday, and they are things that do polished beauty inside (under the hardened remains of 135 year old oil and grease...)
I am merely a retired chief marine engineer with a penchant for things mechanical, so amateur gunsmithing is only a hobby.
My F.I.L's company actually builds submersibles, and one atmosphere diving suits. The shop the gun resided in was an old storage warehouse, with woodworking equipment, commercial diving gear and submarines piled to the rafters... The clutter is the bane of my wife's (who is his exec assistant, or wrangler) existence!