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Perrins Gunmakers
Richard Boutcher
10 Bore Hammer Gun 3234/8372

Richard Boutcher
Description: PERRIN & SON A 10-BORE TOP LEVER HAMMER GUN, 30-inch damascus barrels with 2 5/8-inch chambers about 1/2 and 3/4 choke borings, machined rib and doll's head extension, the rounded frame, rebounding bar locks, hammers and top lever with fine scroll engraving surrounding detailed scenes of game and dogs in landscapes, patent fore-end catch, 14 3/4-inch highly figured stock with engraved heel and toe plates including 1-inch extension, 7lb. 10oz., nitro re-proof S58 Richard bought this fine example of a Perrins 10 bore at auction in April 2016 to add to his collection. Perrins 10 bores are rare so this was a great find as it wasn’t known to us previously. This gun seems to have had an interesting life. It has two serial numbers, 3234 on the rib, which would fit in with its age (1875 - 1887) and 8372 on the action. I doubt it is a ‘marriage’, my guess is that it had the later stamp at some point when it was having work carried out in preparation for re proofing.

We thank Gavin Gardiner Auctions for supplying the above photograph

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