Perrins Gunmakers
Peter from Hampshire - Percussion
The first percussion Perrins I bought was the earlier one with the Continental style stock and engravings of dogs on the lock side plates and trigger guard.
It must have been someone's valued possession, as at some time it suffered damage to the stock and one of the hammers, which they considered worthy of repair, as the hammer has a replacement top, carefully fitted with an almost invisible join, and a piece of the stock which must have split off above and to the rear of the left lock, has been refitted and secured by pinning.
The gun shoots well for me, though at present is off ticket and awaiting attention to the locks, as the trigger pull has become excessively hard, in fact almost impossible on the left lock.
The second percussion gun, marked Perrins and Son, I noticed on a stallholder's stand at a club arms fair. I had gone with no intention of buying anything, but seeing the Perrins -----. It is obviously a later gun, as various differences to the hammers and stock furniture show, apart from the fact that Perrins' son had obviously joined the firm by then. It has the more traditional English style of stock, and is currently on ticket and used for clay shooting, at which it serves me well. Load is three and a quarter Drams of powder and one and a half ounces of shot.