Perrins Gunmakers
Mike Jones
16 Bore Hammer Gun
Mike Jones
Breech Hammergun side lever non ejector
12 bore
Serial number - None
This is a very nice side lever opening (L.H. Side) double 12 bore. It has a profusion of floral scroll work engraving with the name ‘Perrins ’ on the side of the action. It comes in a single fitted box with a Perrins of 59 Broad Street, Worcester label in the lid.
The fascinating aspect of this gun is its history, tracing it back to the original owner. A Mr T Morgan wrote what he knew of the guns past in June 2008. According to him the original owner was a ‘toff’ named Scudamore Lucus (I think) Bought in 1884, one of a pair costing £56.00 when a pair of Purdy’s would have been £90.00. The gun was bought by Mr Morgans Mothers Step Father – William Clark and passed down the family - who appear to have been poachers – although they didn’t use the Perrins for fear of it being confiscated, preferring to use various other guns including home made ones. It passed to Mr T Morgan in 1968 and he had it overhauled by John Dickson at the princely sum of £21.10.00.
The gun has very nice Damascus barrels but at some time it has had a lions head carved into the heal of the semi pistol grip stock, which we have not seen on any of the other Perrins guns.