Perrins Gunmakers
John Clements
12 Bore Hammer Gun
John Clements
(Formally owned by Lynn Hennesey)
John has a 12 bore, round action, hammer gun by Perrin & Son Makers, Worcester. The gun number is # 3177, but the exact date of manufacture in unknown. The gun is in an exceptionally good condition with very well defined pattern on the barrels
It has a left side opening lever with a single bite lock and Damascus barrels.
Interesting features with this gun is the original green beige hard case with the makers label inside, (Perrins & Son, 59 Broad Street). There is also a full metal butt plate which is the only Perrins we have seen with this. The right hand barrel is tightly choked, the opposite way round from the conventional, which leads one to think that the gun was originaly made as a bespoke grouse gun. It is a delight to shoot.
A life time first - two ducks with one shot - but then managed to miss a third with the second barrel - Jan 2015.