Perrins Gunmakers
Chris Gill
14 Bore Hammer Gun
Chris Gill
Breech loading hammer gun
14 bore
Top lever opening – Purdy double bolt lock.
Top rib….
Perrins & Son Makers 59 Broad St. Worcester
Number 3563
Number 595 on grip
This is a lovely early 14 bore breech loader. It dates from between1879 and 1887 shown by the address and proof marks. The gun has a pegged for-end and a metal palm grip which both indicate an early gun.
The extensive engraving is of a foliate pattern not often seen on Perrins guns but again rather unusually there are two dogs and a pheasant on the trigger guard. The gun has been used with chamber inserts to enable it to fire 16 bore cartridges.
The small shield shaped escutcheon appears to have an F & H engraved on it. The barrels still show some very nice Damascus scroll pattern and the stock has some particularly fine figure running through it.
The last photo shows some home made inserts to enable 16 bore cartridges to be used effectivly.