Perrins Gunmakers
Bryan Wells
12 bore Hammer Gun
Bryan Wells
This Perrins & Son 12 bore hammer gun with Damascus barrels was purchased in 1960.
Date of the Perrins manufacture is unknown and open to advice but notably the gun is engraved "Perrins & Son" which by including the "& Son" would date it sometime later than 1855. There is no clear indication of a gun makers address or gun number on the rib but proof marks and future expert advice may possibly help with more accurate dating.
The proof marks indicate black powder only and the barrels have recently been measured and certified in proof. The punch mark - NOT FOR BALL is a fascinating element and addition to the proof marks.
There are many fine features in the manufacture. The hammers and shape of the action block and notably the underneath shaping can all be described as particularly elegant. The fact that the top lever operated lock is almost as tight as the day it was made is certainly a credit to design and materials used. The forend shape has much beauty and forend lock with an effective roller ball action that crisply snaps into place with utmost simplicity, again a credit in design and operation.
As a sporting gun it is very well balanced having also survived without stock alterations and has what appears to be the original one piece butt plate made from a thin section of very hard black wood.
I look forward to comparing the engraved patterns with other Perrins guns in search of similarities that may indicate the same engraver and help with determining the date of manufacture more closely. I am indeed proud to have owned the gun for approaching fifty years, possibly a third of it's life and still use it on high days and holiday outings.