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Perrins Gunmakers
Anna Baughar - USA
Center Fire Revolver
This is a rare example of a large calibre centre fire revolver, probably in .44 or .41 calibre. Anna, who lives in the USA has compared it to her modern revolver made around 125 years latter which is remarkably similar.

When Anna removed the grips from this pistol in order to clean it she came across some markings. They are apparently native American (Indian) pictorial inscriptions.
There is compelling evidence that this pistol belonged to Lieutenant Colonel George Armstrong Custer and was taken from him at the battle of the Little Big Horn. Anna has sought expert opinion which supports her theory. Obviously, if this proves to be correct, then the pistol is of significant importance in the story of America's history. I haven't heard from Anna in a while so I am not sure if she has made any further progress with authenticating it. Unfortunately I have lost the exchange of e-mails I had with Anna when my computer had its meltdown but I will update as and when I hear anything.

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